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Project Masiluleke: Texting to Fight HIV in South Africa March 28, 2011

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2011/01/20/Andrew_Rasiej_Technology_and_the_Future_of_WeGovernment

Andrew Rasiej, the founder of Personal Democracy Forum, discusses "We-Government," a movement in which simple innovations aligned with technology, public data, and social media address vital issues to solve public problems. Rasiej highlights Project Masiluleke, which fills the unused space in text messages with public service announcements to help fight HIV/AIDS in South Africa.


L2: The Social Graph Clinic
Module 4: Insights and the Future

Technology and the Future of WeGovernment with Andrew Rasiej, the founder of Personal Democracy Forum.

Social media shifts marketing from controlled, one-way communications into collaborative, intimate dialogues with -- and among -- constituents. The strategies, tools, rules of engagement, and metrics present marketing and digital professionals with a series of challenges that are best distilled into one question: "What do I do now?" - L2

Andrew Rasiej is a social entrepreneur, futurist, and the founder of Personal Democracy Forum, an annual conference and community website focusing on and promoting the intersection of politics and technology.

He is also the co-founder of techPresident, an award winning group blog that covers how the 2008 Presidential candidates are using the web, and how voter generated content (a term he coined) is affecting the campaign.

In the 2004 Presidential race he served as Chairman of the Howard Dean Technology Advisory Council. In 2005 he ran a highly visible campaign for Public Advocate of New York City, running in the Democratic primary on a platform to bring low cost wireless internet access to all New Yorkers.

He writes a bi-weekly column for www.politico.com and he appears as an expert on the Internet and politics on major media channels including CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, FOX, BBC and SKY News.


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