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TEDxValletta - Stephen Chetcuti Bonavita - Double You
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We know that we should be passionate about what we do, but what about being passionate about continually improving the way we do things? Stephen will share some of the practices he has developed through the years to improve his effectiveness, through trial and error, research and those around him. We constantly hear about planning, budgeting and... Read more

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- -: TEDxValletta - Stephen Chetcuti Bonavita - Double You

December 28, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

We know that we should be passionate about what we do, but what about being passionate about continually improving the way we do things? Stephen will share some of the practices he has developed through the years to improve his effectiveness, through trial and error, research and those around him...

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- -: TEDxValletta - Brigitte Baumann - Wealth on Wings

December 28, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Anyone who has ever started an innovative business and fancies him or herself as a budding entrepreneur, always comes across the question of "where do we get the start-up capital from"? Brigitte will take us through a journey of how Angel Investing gives wings to many initiatives that without th...

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- -: TEDxValletta - Deborah Marshall-Warren - The Wizard of Us

December 22, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Inspired by the movie "The Wizard of Oz" Deborah takes us through a whirlwind journey of symbolism that takes us down various paths in our quest to find our heart's desire. Truly magical and inspiring, The Wizard of Us is sure to resonate with an innate part of your being. ABOUT DEBORAH: Debora...

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- -: TEDxValletta - Tim Dobson - Just be Clever: The Art of Management Perfection

March 31, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Never before have we had to cope with so many demands and so much change. So it comes as no surprise that teams have to continually evolve in order to keep up. Tim has a passionate belief that the effort you spend investing in your team is reflected in the return you get from them. So let's ge...

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- -: TEDxValletta - Christoph Glaser - Doing Well By Being Good

March 31, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Success centers around being a great human being first and foremost, and how the change we want to see in the world starts with us. Christoph takes us on a journey of how being true to our values truly has a positive impact on every aspect of our lives and how positive values relate to positive ...

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- -: TedxNashville - Max Webster - Climate Voices

May 16, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

The Human Face of Climate Change - Max Webster wants to change the way people talk about climate change. By sharing his own experience with Hurricane Katrina and giving voice to the projected 200 million individuals around the world who are vulnerable to migration and extreme poverty because of c...

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- -: Ellen Examines the Internet Lingo

March 29, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Now that LOL and OMG have been added to the dictionary, Ellen decided it was time to create more age-appropriate internet acronyms!

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(7 results)

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