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Obama 2012: #StillNotReady
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In 2007, Joe Biden said then-Sen. Obama was "not ready" to be President. Given our current economic state, it's clear he's #stillnotready.

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- -: Obama 2012: #StillNotReady

April 26, 2012 (about 12 years ago)

In 2007, Joe Biden said then-Sen. Obama was "not ready" to be President. Given our current economic state, it's clear he's #stillnotready.

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- -: Failed Promises: Washington Still Broken

January 25, 2012 (over 12 years ago) -- The Republican National Committee released a new web video highlighting Barack Obama's biggest failed promise yet: changing Washington. After making it a central theme of his 2008 candidacy, President Obama has instead made Washington more divisive and more partisan. Matt La...

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- -: Marc Ecko On the Air Force One Tag Hoax

February 18, 2009 (about 15 years ago)

Mark Ecko Tags Air Force One: Complete video at: Graffiti artist and fashion designer Marc Ecko recalls his 2006 staging of a faked "tag" of Air Force One that became a vira...

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