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Dan Ariely on our buggy moral code
- - Behavioral economist Dan Ariely studies the bugs in our moral code: the hidden reasons we think it's OK to cheat or steal (sometimes). Clever studies help make his point that we're predictably irrational -- and can be influenced in ways we can't grasp. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from ... Read more

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- -: Dan Ariely on our buggy moral code

April 26, 2012 (about 12 years ago) Behavioral economist Dan Ariely studies the bugs in our moral code: the hidden reasons we think it's OK to cheat or steal (sometimes). Clever studies help make his point that we're predictably irrational -- and can be influenced in ways we can't grasp. TEDTalks is a daily vide...

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- -: TEDxUHowest - Jo Caudron - Openness and security on the internet.

February 19, 2012 (about 12 years ago)

Jo Caudron is a media thinker, innovator & strategist. He is a long time Internet entrepreneur and is interested in all things digital, social & mobile, new & connected. He is a consultant and often asked speaker. He has written several books on the topics of the rising digital age. In this talk ...

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- -: Caprica - The Characters are Smoking?!

February 10, 2012 (about 12 years ago)

Content comming soon

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- -: TEDxStareMiasto - Szymon Sikorski - How technolodgy and communication are changing societies?

February 6, 2012 (about 12 years ago)

Szymon is the young blood on Wroclaw's Public Relations stage. He owns a PR company, and he also gives lectures on University of Wroclaw. Szymon is inspired by technology and how it changes the society, which, like himself, is always in a rush nowadays. This will also be the topic of his speech.S...

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- -: TEDxDF - Julia Borbolla - Proyecto Antenas

February 3, 2012 (about 12 years ago)

Julia Borbolla, psicóloga clínica especialista en niños y adolescentes con 30 años de experiencia, convirtió una tragedia personal en inspiración. "Di a luz una niña con una cardiopatía congénita con pronostico fatal... Decidí tirar a la basura mi 'libro escrito' que decía como debía ser mi vida ...

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- -: Are Tablets This Generation's Television?

January 25, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

Complete video at: Jason Baptiste, CEO and Co-Founder of Onswipe, shares one of his four pillars of where the web is headed. His research shows that tablets will eclipse desktop computers because "it's very personal, and something akin to a leisurely cons...

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- -: TEDxRyersonU -- Dr. Mary Donohue - Millenials, McLuhan and Slow Dancing

January 13, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

"Millenials, McLuhan and Slow Dancing: Understanding the Generation Gap" For the last six years Dr. Mary, a mentoring system designer, has been studying mentoring and leadership. This entertaining talk, based on her research, brings to life the differences between millenials and everyone else. U...

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- -: TEDxRyersonU - Ramona Pringle - Real Wisdom from Virtual Worlds

January 13, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

What does it mean to be human in today's wired world? As we get more and more connected, our virtual worlds aren't just parallel to real life, they're extensions of real life. Ramona shares her own journey into game worlds in search of wisdom, love and meaning, and talks about overcoming fear and...

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- -: TEDxOxford - Kevin Warwick - Cyborg Interfaces

January 7, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

In this talk Kevin Warwick, professor of Cybernetics at Reading University presents his talk on Cyborgs at TEDxOxford on 26th September 2011. He presents ideas on bringing back sight to the blind, allowing humans to see with sonar, and communicating with thought alone by combining artificial comp...

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