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Willie Smits: How we re-grew a rainforest
- - By piecing together a complex ecological puzzle, biologist Willie Smits has found a way to re-grow clearcut rainforest in Borneo, saving local orangutans -- and creating a thrilling blueprint for restoring fragile ecosystems. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where t... Read more

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- -: Willie Smits: How we re-grew a rainforest

March 3, 2009 (about 15 years ago) By piecing together a complex ecological puzzle, biologist Willie Smits has found a way to re-grow clearcut rainforest in Borneo, saving local orangutans -- and creating a thrilling blueprint for restoring fragile ecosystems. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks...

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Willie Smits: Willie Smits Restores a Rainforest

February 1, 2009 (over 15 years ago)

Willie Smits talks about the restoration of environmental resources using step by step procedures that include the local people that eventually leads to increased environmental awareness and economic growth.

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Source: TED

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