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Bill Gates on Expertise: 10,000 Hours and a Lifetime of Fanaticism
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Complete Premium video at: Bill Gates responds to Malcolm Gladwell's theory that it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to master a skill. Apart from acknowledging luck, timing and an open mind, Gates suggests that a successful person survives many cycles of attrition to make it to 10,000 hours of experi... Read more

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- -: Bill Gates on Expertise: 10,000 Hours and a Lifetime of Fanaticism

May 6, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Complete Premium video at: Bill Gates responds to Malcolm Gladwell's theory that it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to master a skill. Apart from acknowledging luck, timing and an open mind, Gates suggests that a successful person survives many cycles...

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- -: President Obama on Health Care Reform: Urgency and Determination

May 13, 2009 (almost 15 years ago)

The President, Speaker Pelosi, and Leadership from the House of Representatives emerge from a meeting together with a new target on moving forward with health reform: pass legislation through the House by July 31st. The President speaks to the press in the South Drive at the Oval Office. May 13...

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- -: State of the Union: The Challenges of Change

January 28, 2010 (over 14 years ago)

President Obama reflects on the challenges of delivering on his campaign promise to bring change to Washington, but vows to keep fighting for the issues that matter to American families. January 27, 2010. (Public Domain)

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William Kamkwamba: Building a Windmill

June 1, 2007 (almost 17 years ago)

In this talk, inventor William Kamkwamba from Malawi is being interviewed at TED for the first time. He tells us about the windmill that he made and how he did it.

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Source: TED

William Kamkwamba: How I Harnessed the Wind

July 1, 2009 (almost 15 years ago)

In this talk, inventor William Kamkwamba tells us about the invention that changed his life. Because of poverty, famine, and determination, he was able to build his own windmill to provide power to his home. Here is the story on how he harnessed the wind.

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Source: TED

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