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- -: TEDxUWO - Ed Jernigan - Just zip up your life jacket and keep paddling

April 22, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Ed shares lessons learned over 40 years of helping young people find and follow their passions. Often our life's passion emerges over a lifetime of doing what we feel good about doing and is clear only in retrospect. Getting there is like a river trip--we begin by following our guides as we explo...

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- -: TEDxUWO - Andrew Lockie - Non-profit efficiency and effectiveness are not the same thing

April 22, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Andrew Lockie, CEO of the United Way of London & Middlesex, shares his unique perspective on the future of philanthropy. He draws connections between third-grade literacy levels and future incarceration rates, and presents a compelling argument as to why non-profit efficiency and effectiveness a...

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- -: TEDxUWO - Wade Davis - The Sacred Headwaters

April 23, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Wade Davis, a National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence, presents a magnificent talk that highlights the beauty of the Sacred Headwaters in British Columbia, Canada. His photographs provide a unique perspective on the lives of those living in some of the most remote areas of this beautiful count...

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- -: TEDxUWO - Adrian Owen - The Quest for Consciousness

April 26, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Imagine if you were completely conscious but couldn't move or speak? Neuroscientist Adrian Owen has been using brain-imaging techniques to detect consciousness in patients who are presumed to be vegetative, sometimes for many years. By giving simple commands and then measuring brain activity, Owe...

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