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TEDxESADE - Enric Segarra - Companies that Thrieve
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Companies that Thrive Resulting from an agile analysis of the strategies used by companies that the author identifies as winners, and which would explain the success they have achieved (a non-linear, disruptive, provocative perspective which challenges conventionalisms and the pre-existing rules of play in their industries and exemplary executi... Read more

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- -: TEDxESADE - Enric Segarra - Companies that Thrieve

June 20, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

Companies that Thrive Resulting from an agile analysis of the strategies used by companies that the author identifies as winners, and which would explain the success they have achieved (a non-linear, disruptive, provocative perspective which challenges conventionalisms and the pre-existing rules...

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- -: TEDxESADE - Fernando Trias de Bes - Entrepreneurs and innovation the myth of the idea

June 20, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

Entrepreneurs and innovation: The myth of the idea - The idea of the entrepreneur, does it have to be innovative? - The secret of an idea is for it not to be secret - From the idea to the shape of the idea - From the shape of the idea to the business model About Fernando Trias de Bes: Born in ...

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- -: TEDxESADE - Henry Chesbrough - Open Services Innovation

June 20, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

Open Services Innovation - Open Services Innovation - Rethinking your business as a service company - Co-create with customers - The value of openness - New business platforms and business models About Henry Chesbrough: Henry Chesbrough is a Professor at ESADE and father of the term 'open ...

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- -: TEDxESADE - Jonathan Wareham - Creativity Lost? Computers and The Crisis in Creative Work

June 20, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

Creativity Lost? Computers and the Crisis in Creative Work There is no need to exalt the new frontiers that information and communication technologies have opened in creative work, creative processes, and the new modalities of media distribution and consumption. Yet some have expressed concern t...

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- -: TEDxESADE - Luisa Alemany - Entrepreneurship in Spain-Impossible Mission?

June 20, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

Entrepreneurship in Spain: Impossible Mission? About Luisa Alemany: When she decided to drop out of high school, aged thirteen, she never imagined that she would one day go back into education with such enthusiasm. After completing her training (in the metal industry) and working as an apprent...

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- -: TEDxEsade - Carles Torrecilla - To be or not to be?

June 22, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

SER O NO SER La intervención expondrá la contraposición de conceptos que se dan en el emprendedor. Estos son: 1. La frustración vs. El fracaso 2. El hombre orquestra vs. El socio fantasma 3. La empresa vs. El autoempleo 4. El sprinter vs. El fondista 5. La escalera vs el ascensor 6. Yo lo h...

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- -: TEDxEsade - Pau Garcia-Milà - The journey of an idea

June 28, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

El viaje de una idea Pau Garcia-Milà, fundador de eyeOS y antiguo alumno de ESADE nos hablará de emprendeduría en su ponencia. Veremos cómo la idea que nace en la mente de una persona va viajando hasta convertirse en un proyecto real. El viaje de esa idea pasa por un estado de "ping-pong " (¿Es...

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