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TEDxDanubia 2011 - Negative Variete
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Tribute to Bauhaus-artist László Moholy-Nagy. - - - Negative Varieté is a silhouette performance, which blurs the boundaries between fine art, dance, photography and film, was based on a forgotten screenplay by László Moholy-Nagy, The Dynamics of the Big City written in 1922, the same year Moholy started making photograms. Director Viktória Szép... Read more

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- -: TEDxDanubia 2011 - Negative Variete

April 12, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Tribute to Bauhaus-artist László Moholy-Nagy. - - - Negative Varieté is a silhouette performance, which blurs the boundaries between fine art, dance, photography and film, was based on a forgotten screenplay by László Moholy-Nagy, The Dynamics of the Big City written in 1922, the same year Moholy...

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- -: TEDxDanubia 2011 - Kiss László - Majdnem semmi

April 14, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Kiss László mindenevő romantikus csillagász. Éveket töltött a Sydney-i Egyetemen a vörös óriáscsillagok és a csillagpulzáció vizsgálatával, de 2009-től újra itthon kutat és tanít az akadémiai csillagászati kutatóintézet munkatársaként. S hogy mivel tölti az idejét? Exobolygók és csillagrezgések, ...

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- -: Authors@Google: Albert László Barabási

September 3, 2010 (over 13 years ago)

The Authors@Google program welcomed Albert László Barabási to Google's New York office to discuss his book, "BURSTS: The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do" "In BURSTS (April 2010), Barabasi, Director of the Center for Network Science at Northeastern University, shatters one of the most fun...

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