Tribute to John F. Kennedy at the Democratic National Convention
Robert Kennedy

Robert Kennedy receives numerous standing ovations as he speaks about his brother's ideals and his commitment to the Democratic Party.

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Robert Kennedy: Tribute to John F. Kennedy at the Democratic National Convention

August 27, 1964 (over 59 years ago)

Robert Kennedy receives numerous standing ovations as he speaks about his brother's ideals and his commitment to the Democratic Party.

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William Jennings Bryan: Cross of Gold

July 9, 1896 (almost 128 years ago)

The speech below is one of the most famous speeches in U.S. political history. Delivered at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, it addressed one of the most controversial issues of the day: the issue of Free Silver. It earned William Jennings Bryan the Democratic nomination for the 18...

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Barbara Jordan: "Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good?"

July 12, 1976 (almost 48 years ago)

Barbara Charline Jordan, the first black woman to speak as a keynote speaker at the DNC, rallies the poeple to believe in the democratic party; to help solve the problems on the governement and economy. She does not merely state problems but also solutions and encouragement needed to make a change.

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Edward Kennedy: 1980 Democratic National Convention

August 12, 1980 (over 43 years ago)

Edward Kennedy wraps up his presidential bid with a call for the revival of the Democratic Party's progressive traditions.

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Michelle Obama: Democratic National Convention Keynote Address 2008

August 25, 2008 (over 15 years ago)

Michelle Obama delivers the keynote address in Iowa's DNC to campaign for her husband Barak Obama as the next President of the United States of America.

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Lyndon B. Johnson: Acceptance Speech at the 1964 Democratic National Convention

August 27, 1964 (over 59 years ago)

President Lyndon Johnson accepts his party's nomination for President of the United States and speaks to carrying out the goals of the late John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

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Harry Truman: Democratic National Convention 1948

July 15, 1948 (almost 76 years ago)

Harry Truman accepts the nomination for presidency during the Democratic National Convention. He gives his presidential platform, while at the same time criticizing the 80th Republican Congress.

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Source: NARA

Bill Clinton: Remarks at the Democratic National Convention

August 29, 1996 (over 27 years ago)

President Bill Clinton outlines the plans for progress America is implementing under his administration, as well as the milestones that America has already achieved during his presidency.

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Barack Obama: 2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

July 24, 2007 (almost 17 years ago)

Barack Obama faces the 2004 DNC to present John Kerry as their party's presidential candidate in the belief that this man has the capacity to push America forward and build a country worthy of passing on to future generations.

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