The Law and the Gospel
William Jennings Bryan

William Jennings Bryan delivered this speech at a banquet held by the St. Paul Methodist Church of London. It explores the parallel roles of the law and the gospel in society and in individual life.

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William Jennings Bryan: The Law and the Gospel

January 1, 1890 (over 134 years ago)

William Jennings Bryan delivered this speech at a banquet held by the St. Paul Methodist Church of London. It explores the parallel roles of the law and the gospel in society and in individual life.

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Source: Wikisource

Edward Kennedy: Truth and Tolerance in America

October 3, 1983 (over 40 years ago)

U.S. Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy speaks to the student body of the Liberty Baptist College about his conception of the rightful relation between church and state.

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Noah Feldman: Noah Feldman says politics and religion are technologies

October 1, 2008 (over 15 years ago)

Feldman argues that there can actually be a peaceful amalgamation between politics and religion. In this case, it is between Islam and the concept of democracy as known in the United States.

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Source: TED

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