Rethinking the Music Video
Jakob Trollback

In this demo, Designer Jakob Trollback shares with us the music video that he made. This is an experiment he did in trying to reinvent the music video into a form that makes the music itself be the focus - it's not your typical MTV concept.

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Jakob Trollback: Rethinking the Music Video

March 1, 2007 (about 17 years ago)

In this demo, Designer Jakob Trollback shares with us the music video that he made. This is an experiment he did in trying to reinvent the music video into a form that makes the music itself be the focus - it's not your typical MTV concept.

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Source: TED : Yes We Can Music Video

January 8, 2008 (over 16 years ago) front-lines a musical collaboration by many famous faces set to the famous words of Barack Obama's New Hampshire concession speech "Yes We Can."

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Source: Dipdive

(2 results)

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