What Teachers Make
Taylor Mali

Taylor Mali delivers a poem in slam poetry style in response to someone asking him how much he makes (earns). The poem addresses teacher's value to society.

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Taylor Mali: What Teachers Make

November 1, 2005 (over 18 years ago)

Taylor Mali delivers a poem in slam poetry style in response to someone asking him how much he makes (earns). The poem addresses teacher's value to society.

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Source: Taylor Mali

Eleanor Roosevelt: What Libraries Mean To The Nation

April 1, 1936 (about 88 years ago)

Eleanor Roosevelt talks to the District of Columbia Library Association about the library needs of urban and rural areas, needs which could be said to be poles apart.

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Barack Obama: President Obama Speaks on Holding Head Start Programs Accountable

November 8, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

President Obama introduces a new rule that will help ensure all young children have access to high-quality early education programs. November 8, 2011.

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