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Marcus Borg - Christianity as a Spiritual Path January 2, 2007

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/fora/showthread.php?t=491

Author and theologian Marcus Borg discusses the nature of Christianity as a spiritual "path" or "way," particularly as it compares to other religions such as Buddhism.


Marcus Borg and Huston Smith on "The Heart and Soul of Christianity."

Internationally known biblical and Jesus scholar, professor and author Marcus Borg joins Huston Smith, one of the world's leading scholars of comparative religions, for a special Friday evening lecture at The First Congressional Church of Berkeley.

Marcus Borg's newest book, "Jesus: The Life, Teachings and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary," joins his previous books, including "Reading the Bible Again for the First Time and The Heart of Christianity." Huston Smith's most recent book is "The Soul of Christianity," which follows thirteen other books, including "The World's Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions" and "Why Religion Matters." These two great friends and colleagues offer a dynamic discussion during this very special visit. - Codys Books


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