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Jim Lehrer - "The Phony Marine" January 4, 2007

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/fora/showthread.php?t=524

Novelist and PBS talk show host Jim Lehrer discusses the protagonist from his latest fiction novel, "The Phony Marine," a story about a man who pretends to be a war hero after buying an authentic Silver Star medal on eBay.


Jim Lehrer, himself a former Marine, perfectly captures the importance of presentation, or impersonation, in his Washington-based novel "The Phony Marine."

Lehrer dives into a highly controversial topic and delivers his most compelling character portrait to date. Late one night, Hugo Marder stumbles upon an online auction for a Silver Star, the medal awarded for bravery in battle. He bids and wins. But it is only after he places the lapel pin on his jacket that he realizes the enormity of his actions - Politics and Prose

Lehrer started work with PBS network in 1973, and in 1975 started The MacNeil/Lehrer Report with Robert MacNeil. The show was later renamed The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, and in its most recent incarnation is known as The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.


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