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John Perkins - America's Secret Empire August 13, 2007

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2007/06/21/Secret_History_of_the_American_Empire

"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" author John Perkins argues that the United states has created a modern-day empire through the use of economic blackmail and the undermining of foreign governments.


"The Secret History of the American Empire" with John Perkins, author of "Confessions of An Economic Hit Man."

Perkins zeroes in on hot spots around the world such as Venezuela, Tibet, Iraq, Israel, Vietnam and others and exposes the network of events in each of these countries that have contributed to the creation of the American Empire and international corruption in "The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth About Global Corruption" - Cody's Books

John Perkins spent three decades as an Economic Hit Man, business executive, author, and lecturer. He lived and worked in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and North America. Then he made a decision: he would use these experiences to make the planet a better place for his daughter's generation. Today he teaches about the importance of rising to higher levels of consciousness, to waking up - in both spiritual and physical realms - and is a champion for environmental and social causes. He has lectured at universities on four continents, including Harvard, Wharton, and Princeton.


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