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Are Women Too Reluctant to Take Credit for Achievements? April 1, 2008

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2008/03/06/Why_Women_Should_Run_the_World

Former White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers argues that American women in general are too reluctant to take credit for professional achievements.


Why Women Should Run the World with Dee Dee Myers.

Hear Myers' fresh take on the achievements that women have made in all aspects of public life. At the age of 31, Myers was appointed as White House press secretary under Clinton. Myers highlights the difficulties women faced throughout history as well as their collective battle to achieve a presence in areas once denied to them - The Commonwealth Club of California

Dee Dee Myers is the first woman and youngest person ever to serve as White House Press Secretary. During the first years of the Clinton Administration, Ms. Myers explained the actions of the new president to a vigilant press corps and to the nation. She earned the respect of both with her sharp political instincts, sense of humor and ability to explain complex subjects in straightforward language. Since leaving the white house, Ms. Myers has worked as a political analyst, commentator and writer. She is uniquely qualified to comment on the complex dynamics at work in the relationship between the president and the press.

Ms. Myers is currently a Contributing Editor to Vanity Fair magazine and a frequent political commentator on NBC and MSNBC. After leaving the White House, Ms. Myers was an original consultant to the NBC series, The West Wing, and contributed story lines and technical advice throughout its prizewinning long run. In March of 1999, Gov. Gray Davis appointed Ms. Myers to the California State University Board of Trustees. The Board sets policy for the 23-campus Cal State system, the largest public university in the world.

Dee Dee Myers' book, Why Women should Rule the World (Harper Collins, 2008) considers the question: What would happen if women ruled the world? Everything could change, according to former White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers. Politics would be more collegial. Businesses would be more productive. And communities would be healthier. Empowering women would make the world a better place - not because women are the same as men, but precisely because they are different. Blending memoir, social history, and a call to action, Dee Dee Myers challenges us to imagine a not-too-distant future in which increasing numbers of women reach the top ranks of politics, business, science, and academia.


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