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Should the U.S. Use "Surgical Strikes" on Iran? April 8, 2008

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2008/02/12/Abbas_Milani_and_Barbara_Slavin_Inside_Iran

Middle East expert Abbas Milani and USA Today reporter Barbara Slavin argue that U.S. "surgical strikes" are not a practical option for dealing with Iran's alleged nuclear program.


Inside Iran: Bitter Friends, Bosom Enemies with panelists Abbas Milani and Barbara Slavin. Jamal Dajani of Link TV moderates.

The heat is rising and it's time to take a fresh look at our frenemy, Iran. Is Iran the new Iraq in U.S. foreign policy? Are the people of Iran anti-U.S., or is only the current regime? Is there an effective difference?

An American journalist, an Iranian journalist and a professor of Iranian culture, politics and history will help demystify Iran and lead us to a new understanding of the future of our relationship with our neighbors in the Middle East - The Commonwealth Club of California

Barbara Slavin is the senior diplomatic reporter for USA TODAY since 1996, with the responsibility for analyzing foreign news and U.S. foreign policy. She has covered such key issues as the U.S.-led war on terrorism, policy toward "rogue" states, the reform movement in Iran and the Arab-Israeli conflict. She has also accompanied two Secretaries of State on their official travels and reported from Libya, Israel, Egypt, North Korea, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

Abbas Milani is a research fellow and co-director of the Iran Democracy Project at the Hoover Institution. In addition, Dr. Milani is Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University and a visiting professor in the department of political science. His expertise is U.S./Iran relations, Iranian cultural, political, and security issues.

Jamal Dajani is an award winning producer and Senior Director of Middle Eastern Programming at Link TV. Born and raised in Jerusalem, Dajani completed his early studies at College des Freres and attended Columbia University in New York City, where he received a B.A. degree in Political Science.


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Should the U.S. Use "Surgical Strikes" on Iran?- April 8, 2008

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