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China, India, and the Global Environment - Fred Krupp May 30, 2008

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2008/04/23/Fred_Krupp_on_Energy_and_Global_Warming

Environmental Defense Fund President Fred Krupp discusses how the U.S. and other developed nations can influence the environmental impacts of China and India's rapid growth.


Fred Krupp discusses his new book Earth: The Sequel - The Race to Reinvent Energy and Stop Global Warming.

The Environmental Defense Fund helped reduce acid rain in the 1990s by using market forces, and last year it played a role in the buyout of Texas utility TXU that reduced the number of planned coal-fired power plants. The advocacy group's president, Fred Krupp, believes business-friendly approaches such as carbon cap-and-trade systems are the best way to fight global warning.

His new book, Earth: The Sequel, highlights the entrepreneurs, scientists, and even a former bus driver on the Trans-Alaska pipeline, who are betting on the free market to create new wealth and build a post-carbon economy - The Commonwealth Club of California

Fred Krupp is the Executive Director of Environmental Defense, a national environmental organization that links science, economics and law to create innovative, equitable and cost effective solutions to the most critical environmental problems.

Krupp leads Environmental Defense’'s teams of scientists, attorneys, engineers, and economists in developing solution-oriented strategies to tackle a wide range of U.S. and international environmental problems including global warming; protection of endangered wildlife and ecosystems; restoration of inland, coastal and ocean habitats; elimination of environmental threats to human health; the protection of tropical rainforests.

Since Krupp joined Environmental Defense in 1984, its annual budget has increased from $3 million to more than $35 million, full-time staff has more than quadrupled from 50 to over 200, membership has expanded from 40,000 to more than 300,000, and new regional offices opened in North Carolina and Texas.


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