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Why People Like "Stuff White People Like" - Christian Lander August 18, 2008

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2008/07/23/Christian_Lander_Stuff_White_People_Like

Author Christian Lander discusses reasons for the rapid success of his satirical weblog, "Stuff White People Like," and explains some of his motivations for creating the blog.


From kickball and dinner parties to graduate school, recycling, and knowing what's best for poor people, Lander, the Los Angeles based blogger, has been keeping track of the trends, ideas, and tendencies dear to the hearts of the majority demographic - Politics and Prose

Christian Lander is the creator of the website Stuff White People Like. He is a Ph.D. dropout who was the 2006 public speaking instructor of the year at Indiana University. He has lived in Toronto, Montreal, Copenhagen, Tucson, Indiana, and now Los Angeles, where he lives with his wife, Jess, a photographer who contributed many of the photos in the book.


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Why People Like "Stuff White People Like" - Christian Lander- August 18, 2008

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