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Why Doesn't America have Single-Payer Health Insurance? October 5, 2008

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2008/09/16/The_Future_of_Health_Care_The_Candidates_Plans

Daniel Kessler and E. Richard Brown, Health Advisors to the John McCain and Barack Obama Presidential campaigns, respectively, discuss why neither candidate supports a single-payer insurance system for the United States.


Health care is a major issue in the current presidential campaign. Candidates Barack Obama and John McCain have laid out very different visions, and each believes his plan is best for our nation's citizenry.

Come learn about each plan from the top policy advisors of each candidate, and take the opportunity to ask your own questions and get answers - The Commonwealth Club of California

Daniel Kessler is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. In addition to his Hoover appointment, he is an associate professor at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, where he teaches courses on economics, public policy, and the health care industry. Among his recent publications are, with Mark McClellan, The Effect of Hospital Ownership on Medical Productivity, forthcoming in the RAND Journal of Economics, and Designing Hospital Antitrust Policy to Promote Social Welfare, which appeared in Frontiers in Health Policy Research. He is the holder of a Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a J.D. from Stanford Law School.

Dr. E. Richard Brown is a professor at the UCLA School of Public Health and the founder and director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. He received his PhD in sociology of education from the University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Brown has studied and written extensively about a broad range of issues and policies that affect the access of disadvantaged populations to health care. His recent research focuses on health insurance coverage, the lack of coverage, and the effects of public policies, managed care, and market conditions on access to health services, particularly for disadvantaged populations, ethnic minorities, and immigrants. Dr. Brown and the Center's studies of health insurance coverage, uninsurance, and eligibility for public programs have been used by California's governors, legislators, and advocates in crafting health insurance legislation and programs.


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Why Doesn't America have Single-Payer Health Insurance?- October 5, 2008

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