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Sarah Vowell on the "Smart-Alecky" Geneva Bible January 9, 2009

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2008/10/18/Sarah_Vowell_The_Wordy_Shipmates

In an excerpt from her book "The Wordy Shipmates," essayist and public radio commentator Sarah Vowell explains the difference between the Geneva Bible and the King James Bible. Vowell identifies the former scripture as the one full of "smart-alecky Protestant commentary."


Sarah Vowell talks about The Wordy Shipmates. Vowell travels through America's past to 17th-century New England. She looks at the Puritan effect and finds their beliefs about church and state more interesting than their buckles-and-corn reputation would suggest.

Vowell is a regular contributor to public radio's This American Life and is the author of The Partly Cloudy Patriot - The Wordy Shipmates

Sarah Jane Vowell was born December 27, 1969 and is an American author, journalist, humorist, and commentator. Often referred to as a "social observer," Vowell has authored several books and is a regular contributor to the radio program This American Life on Public Radio International. She was also the voice of Violet in the animated film The Incredibles and a short documentary, Vowellet: An Essay by Sarah Vowell in the "Behind the Scenes" extras of The Incredibles DVD release.


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