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How Does a Warming Arctic Affect Global Climate? - Susan Hassol April 27, 2009

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/03/28/Changing_Arctic_Changing_Planet

Susan Joy Hassol, Director of Climate Communication, explains why Arctic climate is changing faster than the rest of the world. Due to global sea level rise, carbon release, reflectivity, she argues that "Arctic climate change feeds back and increases global climate change."


Changing Arctic: Changing Planet. How does climate change impact the Arctic region and what does it mean for the rest of the planet? And most importantly, what can be done? Panel discussion. - Aspen Institute

As director of Climate Communication, Susan Joy Hassol is a climate change communicator, analyst, and author known for her ability to translate science into English, making complex issues accessible to policymakers and the public for two decades.


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How Does a Warming Arctic Affect Global Climate? - Susan Hassol- April 27, 2009

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