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Greenspan's Fed to Blame for Crisis? - Jeffrey Sachs May 18, 2009

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/04/14/Jeffrey_Sachs_Global_Effects_of_Crisis

Jeffrey Sachs, Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, discusses the chain of events leading to the current economic crisis. Sachs claims former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's deregulation policies and interest rate cuts should have "horrified and frightened" the public.


Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of Columbia University's Earth Institute, discusses the current economic crisis.

He links greed and corruption on Wall Street to other global crises such as poverty and climate change. - Columbia Business School

Jeffrey Sachs is the Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. He also is the author of Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet. Originally one of the youngest economics professors in the history of Harvard University, Sachs became renowned for implementing economic shock therapy throughout the developing world, and subsequently for his work on the challenges of economic development, environmental sustainability, poverty alleviation, debt cancellation, and globalization. Sachs lives in New York City with his wife Sonia Ehrlich Sachs, a pediatrician. They have three children.


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Greenspan's Fed to Blame for Crisis? - Jeffrey Sachs- May 18, 2009

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