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Energy Reform: Nuclear Power and Carbon Caps June 22, 2009

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/05/14/Americas_Energy_Future_A_Debate

John Podesta, Karen Harbert and Christine Todd Whitman debate the setbacks and advantages to nuclear power and carbon pricing. "I'm in favor of a cap and trade program," says Whitman, but "the devil is in the details."


Christine Todd Whitman, James Woolsey, John Podesta and Karen Harbert debate energy policy, with a focus on the pros and cons of nuclear energy.

The dual shocks of record-high energy prices and global recession have produced fertile ground for policymakers to radically reform America's energy policy. While many have called for increasing production of domestic oil and coal supplies, others have seen this as a unique opportunity to move beyond an energy policy dominated by fossil fuels.

In July 2008, former Vice President Al Gore outlined the first step in this process when he called for America's electricity supply to be carbon-free in 10 years. - Miller Center of Public Affairs

John Podesta is the president and CEO of the Center for American Progress and visiting professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center. Mr. Podesta served as chief of staff to President William J. Clinton from October 1998 until January 2001 and was at that time responsible for directing, managing, and overseeing all policy development, daily operations, Congressional relations, and staff activities of the White House.

Karen Alderman Harbert is President and Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Institute for 21st Century Energy, working to build support for national and international energy action through policy, education, and advocacy. Harbert is the former Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs at the U.S. Department of Energy, where she focused on domestic and international energy issues, climate change programs, and regulatory concerns.

Christine Todd Whitman is President of The Whitman Strategy Group, a consulting firm specializing in energy and environmental issues. She served as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (2001-03), and as the first woman governor of New Jersey.


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