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Did Facebook and Twitter Miss Their Window for Profit? September 3, 2009

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/08/05/Entrepreneurism_Begin_With_The_End_In_Mind_Jon_Fisher

Entrepreneur Jon Fisher criticizes web 2.0 companies like Facebook and Twitter for taking too long to turn profitable. He says they are "poised to suck the oxygen out of the liquidity markets and hurt the clean tech guys."


With private-sector jobs declining, would-be entrepreneurs may grow in number. But what are the secrets to success for startups and business builders in today's world? Jon Fisher will explain the benefits of an approach that emphasizes potential acquirers and a powerful economic predictor. He offers fresh thinking about designing and guiding ventures on a path of least resistance, maximum payoff and lowest risk. - Commonwealth Club of California

Jon Fisher is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, adjunct professor and analyst. Fisher co-founded and was Chief Executive Officer of Bharosa, an Oracle Corporation company, which produced the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager. In April 2008, Fisher predicted U.S. unemployment would rise to 9% by April 2009.


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Did Facebook and Twitter Miss Their Window for Profit?- September 3, 2009

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