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Machine for Softening Hardened Hearts - Arthur Ganson September 29, 2009

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/09/14/Arthur_Ganson_Machines_and_the_Breath_of_Time

Kinetic sculptor Arthur Ganson explains his "Machine for Softening Hardened Hearts," an artwork that allows the user to "caress" the heart of Adolf Hitler. The piece explores the personal nature of evil and forgiveness. "It's really about the evolution of the soul," he says.


Kinetic sculptor Arthur Ganson shows a series of his works and explores how his intricate machines address issues of time, motion, purpose and existence. - The Long Now Foundation

Arthur Ganson is a renowned kinetic sculptor. Ganson makes mechanical art demonstrations and Rube Goldberg machines with existential themes. Ganson has held residencies in science museums, collaborated with the Studebaker Movement Theatre, and been featured in one-man shows at MIT Museum, Harvard's Carpenter Center, the DeCordova Museum, and the Ricco/Maresca Gallery in New York. He has a permanent installation at the National Inventors Hall of Fame. He was a MIT artist-in-residence and some of his work is on permanent display at the Gestural Engineering exhibit at MIT Museum in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


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Machine for Softening Hardened Hearts - Arthur Ganson- September 29, 2009

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