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Our Expanding Universe, Explained - Bethany Cobb October 9, 2009

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/10/01/Bethany_Cobb_In_Galileos_Footsteps

Bethany Cobb, a UC Berkeley postdoctoral fellow, explains Edwin Hubble's discovery that the universe is constantly expanding. She describes how galaxies are free to move through space, claiming in a few billion years Earth will "slam into the Andromeda Galaxy."


Learn about the great astronomy pioneer Edwin Hubble and how his use of a 100-inch telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California not only resolved the "Great Debate" over the scale of the universe but also provided radical evidence that the universe is expanding. - Commonwealth Club

Bethany Cobb is a National Science Foundation Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley.

She received her Ph.D. at Yale University for research on massive stellar explosions called gamma-ray bursts. She is dedicated to sharing her love of astronomy with others and is the astronomer for The Old Farmer's Almanac.


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