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Living Technology: Could DNA-less Protocells Save Venice? January 19, 2010

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/09/25/The_Philosophy_of_Organic_Design

Dr. Rachel Armstrong discusses her work creating protocells, programmable technology that "live" but are not "alive." Armstrong explains that these cells do not have DNA and are based on the chemistry of oils. She speculates that protocells could be used to save Venice from sinking.


Organic design is a philosophy of design that respects the users is influence by nature, recognizes the process of evolution and is holistic in its approach. This panel of architects and designers talks about what is required to practice organic design and the importance of energy conservation, natural materials and renewable resources in modern buildings.

The panelists include Usman Haque, CEO of Connected Environments Ltd. and founder of Pachube.com, Rachel Armstrong, TED Global Fellow and Teaching Fellow at the Bartlett School of Architecture, and Matthias Hollwich, Architect and founder of HWKN. - PICNIC 2009

Dr Armstrong is an interdisciplinary researcher who has trained as a medical doctor and tutors fifth year MArch students in the modification of biological systems for their technical dissertations at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.

She has also collaborated with international artists such as Helen Chadwick, Orlan and Stelarc who engaged with the technologies of extreme body modification and the impact of extreme environments on biological systems in projects that exemplified her broader interest in the way in which the environment can directly shape organisms through biotechnological interventions.

Her work currently focuses on the development of Metabolic Materials for Living Buildings where she works in collaboration with international architects and scientists.


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Living Technology: Could DNA-less Protocells Save Venice?- January 19, 2010

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