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How Google Uses Your Information - Peter Barron February 9, 2010

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/10/31/Rethinking_Privacy_in_an_Age_of_Disclosure_and_Sharing

Peter Barron of Google responds to the question: "Why does Google need to know so much about me?" Barron reassures the public that Google collects personal data not to "do anything sinister," but to improve the user experience.


The increasing reach of information technology into all areas of life, from social networking websites to data sharing in public services, has thrown up a number of questions about privacy. Information about our medical records, financial circumstances and shopping habits is increasingly likely to be stored in electronic media that are out of our control.

Some argue we are seeing a fundamental shift in attitudes to privacy, with a whole new generation growing up at ease with sharing pictures and information about themselves online with loosely-defined "friends." Meanwhile, we are increasingly suspicious of goings-on "behind closed doors," and the demand for privacy often seems a cranky hang-up of those with something to hide.

In this context, what does it mean to insist on a right to privacy? Should we look to privacy laws to protect those who are less keen on sharing all? Where is the line between public and private today? Do we need to redraw this line and why is this so politically important? - Battle of Ideas 2009

Peter Barron is Google's Director of Communications and Public Affairs for North and Central Europe. He was previously editor of BBC2's "Newsnight" from 2004-2008, and he has worked in TV news and current affairs for nearly twenty years. He started as a BBC news trainee and has worked at a senior level on "Newsnight," "Channel 4 News" and "Tonight with Trevor McDonald." He devised and edited the BBC drama documentary series "If...". In 2007 he was advisory chair of the Edinburgh International TV Festival.


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