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The Low Quality of Higher Education? March 29, 2010

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2010/02/26/Debate_Education_and_the_Economy

A panel of experts discusses grade inflation and other perceived problems with America's education system. Michael Lomax, President and CEO of the United Negro College Fund, argues for regulating accreditation more tightly, while former Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings cautions that universities have adopted a "send us the money and leave us alone approach."

In order, the speakers are: George Leef, Richard Vedder, Margaret Spellings, and Michael Lomax.


The rapid growth of China, India, Brazil and other emerging powers has dramatically altered the complexion of the global economy in recent years. At the same time, rising deficits, high trade imbalances, a declining dollar, and a lingering economic downturn have placed America's position within the global economy in peril-and have policymakers deliberating over the keys to America's economic future.

One area often cited as critical to the nation's future economic strength is higher education, particularly that America must dramatically increase the number of college-educated citizens to remain a leading economic power. - Miller Center of Public Affairs

George Leef is Director of Research at the John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy in Raleigh, NC. He was previously on the faculty of Northwood University and a policy adviser in the Michigan Senate.

Richard Vedder is the Director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity--an independent higher education think tank in Washington, DC. He is also Distinguished Professor of Economics at Ohio University and an adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

Margaret Spellings, U.S. Secretary of Education from 2005 to 2009, is the President and CEO of Margaret Spellings and Company and a leading national expert in public policy. Spellings also serves as Senior Advisor to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Executive Vice President of the National Chamber Foundation, and Senior Advisor to the Boston Consulting Group.

Michael Lomax is the President and CEO of the United Negro College Fund-the nation's largest and most effective minority education organization.


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