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Evangelical Richard Cizik Reflects on Ousting from NAE June 3, 2010

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2010/05/11/The_Cost_of_Conscience_Dissent_in_the_Workplace

Richard Cizik, former Vice President of the National Association of Evangelicals, reflects on being ousted from his position for voicing progressive political opinions that were viewed to be out of line with the greater evangelical movement.


Navigating office politics can be perilous under the best of circumstances. But for people whose moral principles put them at odds with their employer and colleagues, the burdens can be especially great.

Join three Open Society Fellows as they discuss their experiences working for many years inside large organizations with which they often had profound disagreements of conscience.

Now that they have left their respective institutions -- the US Air Force, the National Association of Evangelicals, and the Central Intelligence Agency -- the panelists can speak with candor about their lives as outsiders within.

What were the emotional and professional stresses they encountered every day on the job? How free did they feel to share their concerns with colleagues? And how did they negotiate the difficult transition to life on the outside? - Open Society Institute

Richard Cizik is the President of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, an organization committed to a broad, holistic, moral vision for evangelical engagement.

Rev. Cizik served for ten years as vice president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals, a post he left in 2008 after expressing conditional support for civil unions. He has been a leader in bringing evangelicals and scientists together in the search for common ground on climate change.


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