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Beyond Energy: Using Fusion to Understand the Universe July 27, 2010

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2010/06/16/Ed_Moses_Clean_Fusion_Power_This_Decade

Dr. Edward Moses, Director for the National Ignition Facility (NIF), explains that as the Kepler telescope continues to explore deep space, scientists will soon be unraveling cosmic mysteries right here on Earth. Using nuclear fusion, Moses hopes to be performing experimental astronomy (like creating tiny supernovae) in the very near future.


Finally achieving fusion energy may be closer than everyone thinks. For decades the dream has been to employ the reaction that powers stars to generate high-volume electricity without the drawbacks of fission reactors -- no high-level waste, no weapons application, no risk of meltdown, no use of uranium, and (as with fission) no greenhouse gases.

Ed Moses is director of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore Labs. Focusing massive amounts of laser light for a billionth of a second, the NIF is expected to demonstrate ignition of a fusion reaction (more energy out than in) for the first time in the coming year, followed by the prospect of a prototype machine for generating continuous clean energy by the end of this decade. That could change everything. The NIF itself is a spectacular work of "technological sublime." - The Long Now Foundation

Dr. Edward Moses is the Director for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) and the Principal Associate Director for the NIF and Photon Science organization at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in Livermore, California.

Dr. Moses was responsible for completing construction and activation of the NIF, the world's largest and most energetic laser system and transforming it into an experimental platform for the broad national and international scientific user community. Experiments on NIF will access high energy density regimes with direct application to strategic security as well as applications for fusion energy research, high energy density science, and astrophysics.

Dr. Moses is also the National Director of the National Ignition Campaign to achieve fusion ignition in the laboratory, the culmination of a 50-year quest. The NIF and Photon Science principal directorate is also responsible for the development of advanced diagnostics and laser technologies for homeland security, economic competitiveness, and energy needs.


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