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Sen. McConnell on Repealing Birthright Citizenship August 5, 2010

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Complete Premium Video at: http://fora.tv/series/monitor_breakfast

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell weighs in on repealing the 14th Amendment provision for birthright citizenship, which some Republicans claim has been abused by foreign citizens who enter the US with the sole intent of giving birth on American soil.


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) sits down for a conversation with attendees of the Monitor Breakfast about a host of topics, including the overturning of California's Proposition 8, his controversial statements on birthright citizenship, the deficit reduction commission, and Elena Kagan's confirmation to the Supreme Court. - The Monitor Breakfast

Mitch McConnell, Jr. is the senior United States Senator from Kentucky. He was chosen by his Republican colleagues as the Minority Leader in November 2006, making him the top-ranking Republican in the 110th Congress, which convened January 3, 2007. He is a conservative, receiving a perfect score from the American Conservative Union in 2006. McConnell won re-election in 2008 against Democratic challenger Bruce Lunsford.


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