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Should Government Subsidize Viagra for Cancer Patients? October 27, 2010

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2010/09/02/Bettina_Arndt_What_Men_Want_in_Bed

Sex therapist and author Bettina Arndt argues that Australia's government should subsidize penile rehabilitation treatment after prostate cancer surgery. The Australian government is currently spending $31 million over the next five years for breast reconstruction, says Arndt, while no assistance is given to support men after cancer treatment.


Across the world, the story is the same. Sex scandal. Media frenzy. Another prominent man caught with his pants down. So, why do men take such risks for sex?

Bettina Arndt's new book, What Men Want - in bed, is all about why sex matters so much to men. More than 150, mostly older, men kept diaries for her, talking about what it is like to live with that constant sparking sexual energy - relentless, uncontrollable, all-consuming.

Their painfully honest, confronting, often hilarious stories explain their quest for sexual adventure, their secret delights, the thrill of giving pleasure, why some men turn to pornography and men's delight in the Viagra revolution. They also share their dysfunction and disappointments. - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Bettina Arndt is a sex therapist, journalist and clinical psychologist who has been talking about sex for over thirty years. In 2009, she published her book The Sex Diaries, which became an international best-seller. This was based on the diaries of 98 couples talking about how they negotiate sex and deal with mismatched desire. She followed this up with another diary project, looking at male sexuality, which lead to her latest book, What Men Want - in bed. Arndt has served on a number of committees advising the Australian government on policy matters, including the Family Law Pathways Advisory Group, the National Advisory Committee on Ageing, the Assisted Reproductive Technologies Review Team and the Child Support Review Reference Group.


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Should Government Subsidize Viagra for Cancer Patients?- October 27, 2010

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