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Poop to Plastic: Turning Biological Waste into Biodegradable Plastics November 18, 2010

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Complete Premium video at: http://fora.tv/conference/american_water_summit

John Bissell, CEO of Micromidas Inc., describes the technology behind his company's mission to convert biological waste like municipal sewage into environmentally friendly plastics.


CEOs of five early-stage companies representing different opportunities to invest in the water sector make their pitch for why they offer the best return. Steve Maxwell chairs the session, and the difficult questions will be asked by a panel of judges, including Jeff Garwood, industry consultant and former CEO of GE Water, David Gray of Credit Suisse, and Dan McCarthy of Black and Veatch Water. - American Water Summit

John Bissel is CEO of Micromidas Inc. John received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of California - Davis. He completed the UC Davis Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy and several other advanced entrepreneurial leadership programs in recent years. After raising seed funding for Micromidas, John led the company to numerous successes in regional and national green technology competitions, including the UC Davis "Big Bang" Business Plan Competition, The California Business Ascent Competition, the US Environmental Protection Agency's People, Prosperity, and the Planet Sustainable Design Competition, and most recently, the National Clean Tech Open. John brings a wealth of experience in technology management, chemical research and development, numerical modeling of complex systems, and scaling of industrial processes. Prior to Micromidas, John was employed by Ampac Fine Chemicals working with diverse teams of chemists, engineers, and operators as a functional liaison between research and development, manufacturing, and management teams.


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