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Finance Industry Crimes: Why Aren't These Guys in Jail? June 17, 2011

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2011/03/02/Inside_Job_Charles_Ferguson

"Inside Job" director Charles Ferguson names a few of the known crimes investment banks were involved in that contributed to the economic collapse -- all of which remain unprosecuted.


Could the global economic meltdown of the last few years have been prevented? Academy award-nominated filmmaker Ferguson believes that the crisis was no accident. His latest documentary, "Inside Job," makes the powerful case that an out-of-control finance industry took advantage of a deregulated atmosphere and purposely sought to get rich at the expense of others.

Through extensive interviews with financial insiders and government officials, Ferguson crossed the globe to find proof that the financial industry intentionally engaged in unethical behavior. His gripping account of the global recession is sure to evoke feelings of disgust, anger, and concern that this all may happen again unless our regulatory system is changed.

Ferguson's previous film, "No End in Sight," was nominated for an Oscar. "Inside Job" is already being touted as an early favorite to win this year's award for Best Documentary (Feature). - The Commonwealth Club of California


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