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Is Rwandan President Kagame on a Path to Another Crisis? September 30, 2011

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2011/09/19/Myth_and_Reality_After_the_Rwanda_Genocide

Former Rwandan Ambassador to the United States Theogene Rudasingwa observes that the ruling party of President Kagame, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, is exhibiting behaviors characteristic of previous regimes that led to the genocide 17 years ago. "You can see the signals, the stress signals, that existed before 1994, you can see them in Rwanda today," said Rudasingwa.


Rwandan president Paul Kagame has emerged as perhaps the most enigmatic and controversial figure in Africa. Is he the principled leader of "one of the safest and most orderly countries in Africa" (as one journalist put it), the man who calmly rebuilt Rwanda following one of the worst episodes of mass killing in the modern era? Or is he the primary architect of a brutal dictatorship, himself implicated in scores of serious human rights abuses, including crimes against humanity and genocide? Please join us for "Revising Paul Kagame: Myth and Reality After the Genocide in Rwanda." Our distinguished panelists will examine the image of Kagame that has been created in the media—and in the popular imagination—and how that image contrasts with reality. - Open Society Foundations

Theogene Rudasingwa has served as chief of staff for the Office of the President of the Republic of Rwanda (2000-04) and as Rwandan Ambassador to the United States (1996-1999). He is the Founder, President, and CEO of Haradali.org.


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Is Rwandan President Kagame on a Path to Another Crisis?- September 30, 2011

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