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Advanced Kotlin: New Features and More October 31, 2012

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Google Tech Talk
October 4, 2012

Presented by Andrey Breslav.


Kotlin is a modern statically typed language targeting JVM and JavaScript and intended for industrial use. The main goal behind this project is to create a language that would be a good tool for developers, i.e. will be safe, concise, flexible, 100% Java-compatible and well-supported by IDE and other tooling. Kotlin is an open-source project developed by JetBrains, creators of IntelliJ IDEA and ReSharper, with the help of the community.

This talk gives an overview of the language in its present state and a perspective we have for the future.
Among other things, the following features will be covered:
* Static null-safety
* Extension functions
* Higher-order functions and type-safe builders
* Smart casts: Kotlin's lightweight pattern matching
* Enhancing existing Java APIs with Kotlin
* Developing mixed Kotlin/Java projects

To find out more about Kotlin, please refer to http://kotlin.jetbrains.org
Slides in Prezi http://prezi.com/himfy6vlxxlx/kotlin-uberconf/
Code examples from the talk https://github.com/abreslav/introduction-to-kotlin

About the speaker: Andrey is the lead language designer working on Project Kotlin at JetBrains (http://kotlin.jetbrains.org/). He also works on making the Java language better, serving as a Java Community Process expert in a group for JSR-335 ("Project Lambda"). In what spare time is left he tries to make sure that his traveling is not all about work and teaches programming to high-school children. Used to teach OOP/Software Design at a university, but currently switched to speaking at software conferences such as JavaOne and Devoxx.


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Advanced Kotlin: New Features and More- October 31, 2012

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