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Fireside Chat with Lester Wunderman at Google April 12, 2012

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The founder of Wunderman, and widely credited as the father of modern day direct marketing, Mr. Wunderman's career began before World War II and continues to this day (at ninety two years old he still comes to the office everyday). He is the originator of the first customer rewards card and the first toll free 800 number, amongst other innovations.

In addition to Mr. Wunderman's many achievements, including his election to the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame in 1983, Advertising Hall of Fame in 1998 and being named one of twenty 'Advertising Legends and Leaders' by AdWeek in 1998, he is an avid photographer and art enthusiast. Pieces of his Dogon Collection can be found in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

It's an honor to welcome Mr. Wunderman to Google to share his perspective on the advertising industry and take questions.


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Courtesy of Google Talks
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Fireside Chat with Lester Wunderman at Google- April 12, 2012

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