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TEDxUWI C.R.I.M.E- Stop Crime Trailer February 19, 2012

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The Theme: Cultural Reality Imitated in a Mutual Environment

Recently in Trinidad and Tobago, a constitutional State of Emergency has been declared to address the crime situation. The TEDxUWI team recognized that relevance is a vital factor and hence decided to focus on crime. Crime will be viewed different as part of the cumulative narrative of Trinidad and Tobago and its connective ability. The topics hence reflect different ideas on crime and the source of our ideas on crime.

Main Focus Areas
Authority of Opinion
In crime reduction discourse what becomes the determining factors of authority of views. Media, government, radio and other sources of information, what determines their reliability and validity? In the narrative of crime, why do some stories matter more than others?

2. Vigilantism or Justice
The state is constructed to provide its citizen with security and an adequate perception of safety. Does there become a time whereby the state cannot perform such a responsibility and as such citizens need to become their own security providers.

3. Cultured for Crime
What becomes the cumulative effect of a society plagued with nepotism and personification of the adage "it's not what but who you know". The corruption and ineffective bureaucratic networks become just a phenotypical expression of a societal genotypical defect. We shall examine this view and see if we are cultured for criminal behaviours and how to resolve such socialization.


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