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Agile C++ with Supporting Eclipse CDT Plug-ins February 14, 2012

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Google Tech Talk
January 23, 2012

Presented by Peter Sommerlad.


At IFS institute for software several plug-ins have been developed for Eclipse CDT easing the live of Agile C++ developers. Some of the features have already been integrated into CDT's main feature, such as the refactoring infrastructure and some refactorings, like toggling function definition and declaration. In this talk Prof. Sommerlad will present how IFS's plug-ins ease an agile style of development, through code-generation for Test-driven Development (TDD), unit testing, code generation for test doubles and mock objects, quick feedback for static analysis tools and quick-fixes for problems. Also an alternative to Googles IWYU (include-what-you-use) using CDT's built-in infrastructure to interactively optimize #include dependencies is demonstrated: Includator. In addition to removing unneeded #include directives, Includator also adds missing #include directives for used elements. In contrast to IWYU the interactivity of Includator allows easy preview of proposed changes and interactive selections of proposed changes.

The talk itself will demonstrate the well established and some "bleeding edge" Eclipse CDT plug-ins developed by IFS in a Test-Driven Development session. If wanted, a glimpse of C++11 features is possible, as far as they will be supported by CDT and his available compiler at the time of the talk.

Speaker Info:

Peter Sommerlad is professor for software engineering and director of IFS institute for software at HSR university of applied sciences Rapperswil, Switzerland. His students and team at IFS were among the first creators of Eclipse Refactoring plug-ins for the languages C++, Ruby, Groovy, and Scala. Peter is co-author of the books Pattern-oriented Software Architecture - A System of Patterns (Vol.1) and Security Patterns as well as other patterns and articles.


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