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"The Lilly Ledbetter bill is just the beginning for what the President has done for women" February 3, 2012

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Share Lilly's story and recruit your friends to join Woman for Obama: https://my.barackobama.com/lillyvid
Watch the full video here: https://my.barackobama.com/lillyvid

An extra clip from the video about Lilly's story. Here she shares why she still stands by President Obama.

President Obama knows that when women do better, America does better. That's why he kept his promise to fight for equal pay for an equal work and affordable health care—and won.

No one knows that better than Lilly Ledbetter.

Lilly stood up for equal pay for equal work and she stands by President Obama as he continues the fight for fair pay for all workers.

Take a moment to share the video featuring Lilly's story and ask your friends to join this movement: https://my.barackobama.com/lillyvid


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"The Lilly Ledbetter bill is just the beginning for what the President has done for women"- February 3, 2012

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