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Fighting for Veterans' Jobs: Keep the Pressure on Congress to Pass the President's Jobs Plan November 21, 2011

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Mike McCarry, a Vietnam War Veteran, shares his story on transitioning back to civilian life after his service in the Vietnam War. It wasn't easy for Mike --he felt like he was out there by himself. He doesn't want this to happen to our troops from Iraq that are scheduled to return by the end of this year.

That's why he supports the President on asking Congress to take action on jobs. The Veterans portion of the President's jobs bill provides support to transition our vets from combat to careers, and offers employers tax credits for hiring veterans.

"VOW to Hire Heroes Act" is one part of President Obama's plan to get Americans back to work and provide economic security for middle-class families. But the fight for American jobs isn't over --and we need your support to keep the pressure on Congress.

Mike says:

"All those provisions in the job bill are very important...We need all of our politicians working for the greater good of all the people in this country. President Obama has my support. He is for people like me. He has the best interest of the country and the people. That's the work he's doing. It's something we have to fight for. You always have to fight for the good things in life."

Here's what's next: after Thanksgiving, the Senate will vote on extending President Obama's payroll tax cut, which puts $1,500 in the pockets of the typical middle-class family. It's the provision that Mitt Romney called a "little band-aid" -- but $1,500 wouldn't be a band-aid for me or Mike McCarry -- and probably not for you either.

Our job right now is to make sure Congress does the right thing again. Share this video and spread the word: http://my.barackobama.com/veteransjobsvid


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