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First Obama 2012 Ads - JoinObama.com: A Movement Starts With You, call (888) 705-0047 November 29, 2011

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Let President Obama know you're in for 2012: http://my.barackobama.com/joinobamamovementvid

First Obama Ads:

"It starts with one person making a decision that things need to change and they're going to help change them. That person finds another person who shares their values. They go out and find a few more. Before long, neighborhoods come together, communities organize, a movement builds. It all starts with you making a decision to get involved, because we've got so much more to do. Call (888) 705-0047 or visit http://www.joinobama.com to let me know you're in."


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First Obama 2012 Ads - JoinObama.com: A Movement Starts With You, call (888) 705-0047- November 29, 2011

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