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TEDxIB @ York - Amin Sharifi - The Power of Will December 20, 2011

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Amin Sharifi, now in his final year of the IB program at Bayview Secondary, took great interest at a young age in the mind's influences on the body. In "The Power of Will," he discusses the virtues of stubbornness and virtually unreasonable persistence in one's
ideas, and how these traits are crucial to achieving success, contrary to their common negative interpretations.

TEDxIB@York is an event for International Baccalaureate Diploma students from all over the world to come together to experience TED talks and share ideas with peers and professionals. This event is held annually at The York School, a coeducational, non-denominational, IB, independent day school in Toronto, Canada. This event gives students a chance to see amazing speakers, musicians, artwork, poetry, videos and to connect with people from all walks of life in the spirit of "ideas worth spreading".


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