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Will US "sacrifice"? Dem pollster Greenberg says Americans skeptical sacrifice will be truly shared December 16, 2011

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Complete video at: http://fora.tv/series/monitor_breakfast

Americans are willing to make changes to Social Security to ensure it's long term-viability, for example, but they are more heavily in favor of higher taxes on the wealthy due to a broad skepticism that financial sacrifice will be broadly distributed, Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg told reporters at a breakfast sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor.


On Friday, December 16, 2011, Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg joined the Monitor Breakfast for a conversation with reporters.

Stanley Bernard Greenberg is a leading Democratic pollster and political strategist who has advised the campaigns of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and John Kerry, as well as hundreds of other candidates and organizations in the United States and around the world, including the former Bundeskanzler (Chancellor of Germany) Gerhard Schröder and the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Michael Häupl and the Austrian SPÖ. He is the CEO of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, a polling and consulting firm, and co-founder (with James Carville and Bob Shrum) of Democracy Corps, a non-profit organization which produces left-leaning political strategy.


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Will US "sacrifice"? Dem pollster Greenberg says Americans skeptical sacrifice will be truly shared- December 16, 2011

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