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TEDxBelgrade - Milan Cirkovic - Globalni katastroficki rizici August 9, 2011

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Globalni katastrofički rizici
Global Catastrophic Risks

Milan Ćirković

Jul 2010, TEDxBelgrade - xCHANGE IDEAS

Tokom poslednjih desetak godina postali smo znatno potpunije svesni širokog spektra globalnih katastrofičkih rizika koji prete opstanku čovečanstva. Pored tradicionalnih prirodnih pretnji, čiju ulogu u istoriji naše planete danas znatno bolje razumemo, poput sudara Zemlje sa asteroidima i kometama, supervulkanizma ili kosmičkih eksplozija (supernova i gamableskova), intuitivno je jasno da današnjom funkcijom rizika dominiraju antropogeni rizici, pre svega oni od nuklearnog rata i zloupotrebe biotehnologije, a u bližoj budućnosti verovatno i oni od zloupotreba novijih i potencijalno još destruktivnijih tehnologija, poput nanotehnologije.

During the previous decade we became significantly more aware of the full range of various different global catastrophic risks threatening the survival of the human kind (and, in certain cases, threatening the existence of the whole Earth's biosphere). Alongside the traditonal natural hazards, such are the possible collisions with asteroids, upervolcanoes or cosmic explosions (like supernovas or gamma ray bursts), which role in the history of our planet we understand much better today, intuitivelly we are also aware that the dominating risks of today are to be found in the anthropogenic factors, first of all in a possible nuclear wars and incidents and in a possible misuse of the biotechnologies, as well as in the possible misuse of even more destructive technologies of the future, like for example nanotechnologies.


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