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TEDxLaJolla - Glenn Parish - Coffee, Poverty, and the New Consumer Revolution December 1, 2011

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Glenn Parrish brings more than 20 years of leadership experience working with businesses and philanthropy to make a lasting social impact through innovative and economically sustainable approaches.
Specializing in start-ups he has pioneered entrepreneurial social enterprises such as the Rising Tide. Through the purchase and management of tax-exempt bond financed affordable housing the Rising Tide has created a thriving business which provides both housing and the net operating income to support a cutting-edge program for former foster youth which empowers them to become self-sufficient, responsible, caring adults.
He provides leadership to major corporations such as Golden State Foods and United Stationers to create employee mobilizing corporate foundations that unleash the power of businesses, through their employees, to make a difference in the lives of those in need. He helps these businesses thrive by becoming recognized community partners that attract and keep great employees and are able to compete in a marketplace that demands corporate social responsibility. He also serves on the board of directors of the Sacred Harvest Foundation. Sacred Harvest is a grant making foundation engaged in sustainable community transformation locally and internationally with substantial investments in the Philippines.
He currently is helping launch a joint for-profit/non-profit venture with Growers First--an organization that helps poor, remote, small-plot coffee farmers to establish long-term economic sustainability.
Clients and partners include: The Fieldstone Company, Golden State Foods, United Stationers, Steadfast Companies, Orangewood Children's Foundation, The Gochnauer Family Foundation, Sacred Harvest Foundation, The Foundation for Christian Stewardship, Growers FIrst and the Rising Tide.


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