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ScienceFoo Campers: JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) January 17, 2008

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Google Tech Talks
January, 15 2008


JoVE: an Open-access library of experimental videos to revolutionize biomedical research and scientific publishing.

Biomedical research has reached a level of complexity that is matched only by the complexity of the living species under investigation. Contrasting the rapid advancement of scientific research itself, scientific communication still heavily relies on traditional print journals. Print journals however, lack the necessary characteristics to allow enable an effective transfer of knowledge, which is significantly impeding scientific progress. Addressing this problem, the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE, www.jove.com) implemented a novel, video-based approach to scientific publishing, based on visualization of experimental studies. Created with the participation of scientists from leading research institutions ( e.g. Harvard, MIT, and Princeton ), JoVE provides solutions to the &quot;bottleneck&quot; of the contemporary biological research: transparency and reproducibility of biological experiments. JoVE has so far released 9 monthly issues that include over 150 video-protocols on experimental approaches in developmental biology, neuroscience, microbiology and other fields. To facilitate integration of video into scientific publishing, JoVE has developed a distributed video-production network to assist scientists with filming and editing of their experiments.

As a new type of an online open-access productivity tool for biomedical researchers, JoVE adds to the other ground-breaking trends in the communication of scientific information such as the open-access movement and Google Scholar. The following are example of coverage JoVE has received in the scientific and popular press: Nature, The Scientist and WIRED .

Our presentation should be interesting to Google people who work on video, Google Scholar, biomedicine and science-related subjects.

Speaker: Moshe Pritsker, Ph.D.
CEO, Editor-in-Chief, Co-founder

Dr. Pritsker has developed the JoVE idea based on his deep familiarity with current problems of biological research, acquired through more than 10 years of work in this area. He holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Princeton University and an M.Sc. in Chemistry from the Weizmann Institute of Science. Results of his research on stem cells, genomics, bioinformatics and HIV were published in leading scientific journals (PNAS, JBC, Genome Research and Biochemistry) and patent applications. Prior to co-founding JoVE, Dr. Pritsker held a position of post-doctoral researcher at Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital.


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